Monday, July 18, 2011

Can someone help me with my weight and gym?

First of all no, it's not "baby fat" unless you are two years old. If you work out twenty four seven, run, cardio, weights but eat unhealthy then you are wasting your time. The number one thing is good nutrition. If you're eating junk food, then forget it, don't even bother to work out. If you really want to lose weight you have to eat healthy, but don't do a ridiculous diet because you will just lose muscle, not fat. Most people cut down and eat healthy for a day, and then think that since they ran a mile they can have junk food. No! just cause you worked out doesn't mean you can eat unhealthy because you'll just be putting back on what you lost. Watch this guy on youtube about fat loss, it's really helpful a href="" rel="nofollow" Good luck and be safe

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